10 Jocelyn Street, Casebrook
A Fully Fenced Family Zone
An ever popular family friendly location, and situated on the inside corner of Jocelyn Street. This fully fenced and extensively landscaped property will suit a family, upsizers, empty nesters, first home buyers and investors.
• 3 Bedrooms, master with walk in wardrobe
• Family kitchen area and separate laundry
• Living/dining adjacent with heatpump. (Please note: Logburner is non compliant)
• Humongous north facing lounge with heatpump
• Double garage, extra paved area for all the toys
• 832m² fully fenced and landscaped section
• A stone’s throw to the Casebrook shops, amongst many other local amenities
The vendors have purchased and this property is now surplus to requirements.
Undoubtedly we are priced to sell there for viewing is essential and fast action required.
To download the property file including EQC, LIM & more, please copy & paste the following link http://www.propertyfiles.co.nz/property/RX1180569
$469,000 neg over
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