23 Sir William Pickering Drive, Burnside
Top Quality Office in Top Quality Setting
Cowdy is pleased to present 23 Sir William Pickering Drive, Burnside, to the market For Lease.
This ground-floor tenancy is located in a standalone building positioned in a tranquil setting with all day natural light. The recent ‘A-Grade’ fitout provides the property with a quality professional environment for staff and clients to enjoy.
The premises is largely open plan with a good size boardroom, small meeting rooms, and break-out areas. Amenities include a spacious modern kitchen and staff room, LED pan lighting, high acoustical performing insulation, new ducted HVAC, shower facilities, cycle parking, car parks, and modern bathroom facilities.
Features include:
• 332m² ground floor office
• Quality fitout
• 16 on-site car parks
• Outdoor seating area
• Available 1 May 2024
Located a short drive to Christchurch Airport and excellent on-site parking.
For further information or to arrange a viewing, contact the sole agent, Haydn Scott, today.
For Lease: By Negotiation
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