First Floor/478 Cranford Street, Papanui
Modern Office on Cranford Street
Located on the first floor of this new, post-earthquake complex is 2,536 sqm (can be split to suit) of quality office space. The space is currently fitted out with a high spec, open plan layout that can be re-utilised by an incoming tenant if preferred.
Within the centre currently exists quality restaurants/cafes, retail stores and a gym.
The centre is well located on the north side of Cranford Street, just east of the intersection with Main North Road. There is strong vehicle traffic (approximately 20,000 vehicle movements per day) with Cranford Street being a main arterial route to the northwest.
Features include:
• 2,536 sqm that can be split to suit
• Existing high quality fit out
• 100% NBS building
• 50 onsite parks, 85 offsite parks
• Available now
For Lease: $220 per sqm
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